PERSEVERANCE IN PUBLISHING: Four authors who think you should stick it out

Real talk about publishing...there are authors who get literary agents quickly, and then go off to secure book deals immediately with barely any revisions to their work. Bless them all, but these aren’t the folks who I relate to, nor do I find those journeys particularly encouraging. To help out aspiring writers and authors, I launched an Instagram live series, asking four talented authors with grit, determination and business smarts to join me in conversation and share their stories about how they got an agent...and what happened after that. 
I wrote four full (fiction) manuscripts before getting my first book deal. My author interview guests started their rollercoaster publishing journey around the same time as me, have stories that will inspire you, and all have recently released novels or have books coming out soon! Thank you to Judy Lin, Jenny Howe, Nancy Johnson and Annette Christie for their time. 

If you’re drafting, querying, editing, or revising, I hope you feel encouraged after watching these videos. Keep going!

Judy Lin, author A MAGIC STEEPED IN POISON (Feiwel and Friends):

Jenny Howe, author THE MAKE-UP TEST (St. Martins Press):

Nancy Johnson, author THE KINDEST LIE (William Morrow):

Annette Christie, author THE REHEARSALS (Little Brown):


Trying something new with every book


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